A. Preface

  1. Purpose: The Revit Project Setup procedure has been developed for use in beginning a new Aethera Engineers MEP Revit project. Following these procedures will ensure that all projects are setup in a consistent manner with logical graphics and a requisite framework for accurate building information modeling.
  1. References: This is a living document which will be readily updated as advances in Revit take place. The standard structure is such that referencing a particular point in the documentation should be as simple as follows:
    1. For instance, this line would follow referencing like Specification Sections, i.e. Æ Revit Setup Standard A.2.a.
  1. Updates: If during your use of these procedures something needs to be added or updated, please email me at michael.reise@aethera.io.
  1. Table of Contents: When using this procedure, a Table of Contents exists at the top left of each step. Within the list of steps, the current step is underlined and all other steps are clickable, linked to the coresponding step of setting up a MEP Revit model.