Load all the families located in “.\11 Drawings\Revit\Families\Annotation Symbols\”.
In the Ribbon, from the Insert tab choose Load Family.
Browse to Annotation Symbols directory, select all Revit families, and click Open.
If the Shared Family Already Exists dialog box pops up, select the second option, Overwrite the shared subcomponents family and its parameter values option.
If the Family Already Exists dialog box pops up, select the second option, Overwrite the existing version and its parameter values option.
Transfer the Project Standards from the Architectural model:
In the Ribbon, from the Manage tab choose Transfer Project Standards.
Ensure that the Architectural model is selected in the Copy from field. Click the Check None box and select the following parameters:
Annotation Family Label Types
Area and Volume Computations
Arrowhead Styles
Building Type Settings
Callout Tags
Ceiling Types
Construction Types
Dimension Styles
Elevation Tag Types
Floor Types
Foundation Slab Types
Grid Types
Level Types
Model Text Types
Phase Settings
Project Info
Project Parameters
Revision Settings
Roof Types
Section Tag Types
Site Settings
Space Type Settings
Sun Settings
Text Types
Viewport Types
Click OK.
If the Duplicate Types dialog box pops up, select the Overwrite button. Ignore warnings and close any warning dialog boxes.