In the Ribbon, from the View tab, choose Sheet, to create a new sheet.
Within the New Sheet dialog box, select the appropriate titleblock from the list available. If the titleblock that you need is not listed, click on the Load... button and navigate to the location on the server where the titleblock is stored. Select OK to continue.
In the Annotate tab, select Detail Line.
Ensure that the Line Style is set to Thin Lines.
Draw a vertical lines 4-inches from the right edge and 1/2-inches from the left edge. Draw two horizontal lines parallel to the bottom of the titleblock with an offset of 1-inch and 2-inches. These lines will guide your Keyed Notes and provide a consistent placement for views and view titles on each sheet.
Next, within the Project Browser, drag and drop the appropriate view onto the sheet.
Left-click on the viewport. Within the Modify tab, select the crosshair symbol to Move the viewport. Select the bottom left edge and line up with the intersection at the bottom left of the sheet.
Next, left-click on the viewport. Within the Properties browser, select the appropriate view title from the drop-down menu.
Align the viewport title with the intermediate line along the bottom of the sheet.
Next, within the Project Browser, drag and drop the appropriate keyed note onto the sheet.
Note: After updating Architectural Revit models, you should always go through each floor plan, select Space from the Analyze tab to ensure that all spaces are assigned and tagged.