J. Creating Central and Local Files

  1. Within the Collaborate tab, select Collaborate.
  1. In the Collaborate dialog box, ensure the Collaborate within your network option is selected. Press OK button to confirm. Please note that once you enable this option, there is no going back.
  1. Next, within the Collaborate tab, select Worksets.
  1. The Worksets window dialog will appear, allowing the user to view existing Worksets or create additional Worksets. Depending on the project scope of work, we will want to create worksets for each discipline and sub-discipline. The more properly implemented worksets that you have will drastically increase the usefulness of worksets for displaying types of discipline-specific work within view templates. See below for an example of such an implementation.
  1. Once the Worksharing process is complete, navigate to R > Save As > Project.
  1. In the Save As dialog box, click on the Options… button. Set the Maximum backups to 1, Open workset default to Last Viewed… and Thumbnail Preview Source to Sheet: Æ-MEP.
  1. Ensure that the file is named in the following manner:
    2. Where RXX denotes the version of Revit used for the project.
  1. In the Collaborate tab, select the Synchronize and Modify Settings option from the Synchronize with Central drop-down menu.
  1. In the Synchronize with Central dialog box, ensure the Compact Central Model (slow) and User-created Worksets options are checked. Click OK.
  1. Close the Central file.
  1. Navigate to R > Options.
  1. In the Options dialog box, change the current value in the Default path for user files field to "D:\Revit Models\". Now, every time you create a new local file, this is the location it will be saved in.
  1. Navigate to R > Open > Project.
  1. In the Open dialog box, check the Create New Local checkbox and select Open.
  1. Look at the title bar of your Revit window. It should now have the Revit model filename followed by an underscore and your username. This confirms that you are in a local model and not the Central model.