I. Adding Spaces and Space Tags

  1. Within the Analyze tab, select Space.
  1. Within the Place Space tab, ensure that the Tag on Placement option is highlighted. Also, check that the Upper Limit is set to the next floor, with an Offset of 0’-0”.
  1. In the Properties browser, select the Space Tag type from the #Æ-MEP Space Tag family.
  1. Left-click within all rooms on the floor plan. Continue until all interior rooms, i.e. not chases, are selected. Your floor plan should be covered in green. Press the <Esc> key to stop placing spaces within rooms.
  1. Complete sections I.1 through I.4 for all floors in the project.
  1. Please note that Space Tags are annotations that you will have to copy space tags to all other disciplines after you place them on your default plans. To place Space Tags on other sub-disciplines, select a Space Tag and right-click. Hover over Select All Instances, and then click on Visible in View.
  1. Within the Clipboard sub-tab, select the Copy symbol.
  1. Next, navigate to the sub-discipline floor plan of your choice. Within the Modify tab, select Align to Current View from the Paste drop-down options.
  1. After all plans have Space Tag annotations, import the Architectural room names and room numbers using the Space Naming Utility. Within the Analyze tab, select Space Naming.
  1. In the Space Naming dialog box, under Options select Names and Numbers. Click All Levels within the Selection portion. Click OK.
  1. Note: After updating Architectural Revit models, you should always go through each floor plan, select Space from the Analyze tab to ensure that all spaces are assigned and tagged.